While it’s easy to get excited about the benefits promised by the latest NO supplement trend. Don’t be lead to believe that Nitric Oxide alone will produce the lasting results that you want. We encourage you to be wise about what you choose to try. The sad truth is, misinformation and exaggerated claims have (and will continue) to surface in much of the advertising aimed at selling you Nitric Oxide products. We’re not going to sling mud at anyone…but we are going to mention that you can experience all the NO benefits in a product that was proving itself LONG BEFORE Nitric Oxide becamethe latest “buzzword” in the wonder supplement category.
Long before the pages of every bodybuilding magazine were filling up with Nitric Oxide ads, Beverly bodybuilders were already benefiting from our own NO solution, which is, of course, Muscle Synergy.
We introduced Muscle Synergy in 2002 and named it because of the synergy that took place from its blend of anabolic and anticatabolic compounds, including the production of nitric oxide. Each ingredient was powerful enough on its own in the recommended dosage, but together their effect was greater than the sum of their individual effects. In fact, Muscle Synergy was the “ideal” NO formulation…a carefully constructed, research-based formulation - supported by real science.