5 Ways GH Factor Will Give Mother Nature A Run For Her Money
1. Taking 6 before bed and 6 on arising enhances the body's natural
GH production.
2. It also functions as a cell volumizer, expediting the delivery of nutrients
into the cell. (This is why it's often recommended to take it as part of a
fat-burning stack with Lean Out and Energy Reserve before meals).
3. Taken before training (or around
45 min. before competing), it enhances both pump and natural GH response -
especially when combined with Muscle Synergy.
4. General health and fat loss benefits: 2 capsules, three times daily on an empty stomach (30 minutes before meals, weight training, or cardio.)
5. Advanced fat loss: Take 2-3 GH Factor, 1-2 Energy Reserve, and 2 Lean Out capsules 30 minutes before each meal and before bed.